So I've decided it's time to start rebuilding my website. You can probably tell it's struggling since my copyright is covering blog titles on the side and some of them are even missing now…
Some things I've decided about it.
I don't want to pay for hosting and when it comes to my time I need to be able to keep the upkeep of this site to a minimum. Keeping the site static allows for this.
But I don't want to write it in straight HTML, Javascript and CSS. I'm probably going to keep to a css style I've copied somewhere off the web so I can keep my styling to a minimum and cut out a third of the work trying to think of what looks good in CSS. Plus I'm terrible at CSS so giving that job to someone else makes it so much easier for me.
I'd like to keep using Ruby because it's a really nice language to write in. The syntax is easy to read and I can go back and easily change it since my initial background is in Ruby.
I would like to have a bit more fun Javascript in my site now that I'm getting pretty awesome at it. I'll see if I can do some cool stuff that's interactive in the future. 😉
So I need to be able to support that my blog will grow and that I might want to add future things etc. I've drawn up a few wireframes to have an idea of what I think I might do. But of course it might change depending on how I feel with the experimenting.
So here is what I'm thinking my initial About Me page will look like. Just a really simple page like I currently have.
I'm thinking I'll have my Blog page in a more traditional blog style. Might even add an RSS feed.
Finally, I'm probably going to go with a pdf dump of my current resume since I really like the design of it. But I'm a little worried it might not match up with the rest of the design of my site so I'll have to figure out how I can make that flow and connect so it doesn't feel like an extreme transition. Maybe it means I'll need to tone down on the colours of my resume.
Finally, I need this blog to be easy to upkeep. I want to be able to just write a really quick blog post without too much thinking. Markdown is great for that so I'll be keep with my current frame work Middleman to do that.
Hopefully, this happens soon and I'll keep this site updated till then.